Post-Completion OPT Webpage



The Post Completion OPT Page was one of the OGS’ most popular pages. However, it received many user complaints. The webpage was very text heavy and included vague steps that weren’t clear. There were hardly any images and there was no clear heiarchy. Benji was assigned to conduct user testing and to implement changes based on findings.


  • One of two lead designers
  • Led user testing session
  • Developed wireframes
  • Reviewed content for usability
  • Designed graphics and icons
  • Implemented changes based on user testing


The Post Completion OPT Page was one of the OGS’ most popular pages. However, it received many user complaints. The webpage was very text heavy and included vague steps that weren’t clear. There were hardly any images and there was no clear hierarchy.
User testing verified that users thought there was too much information, no clear headings, and hard to find information.
Based on the user testing findings, Benji and his colleague reviewed the content (edited by the manager).
Based on the content revision, Benji and his colleague began sketching and creating Omnigraffle wireframes. A few things of interest here a more step by step procedures, more images, and to create a more linear layout to aid in mobile friendliness (the CMS was not mobile friendly).
The next big part of the process was graphic creation. Hand drawn, then edited in illustrator and photoshop, the images were constructed to give a more personal touch to the dense page content.
Descriptive text accompanies each step. Finally, inserting all of these elements into the webpage was the final step. Using the office CMS, all illustrations and content were put into place.


Here, you can see the final display. So far, but word of mouth, students seem to be very pleased with less text and are finding what they need much easier. The final page design shows how much more streamlined and user friendly the content is: clear heir achy, headings, negative space, images, and info graphics. Already, the office has been getting great reviews where both students and staff have stated how much they enjoy the new look.